Embrace diversity in school: say no to HIV-related stigma and other forms of discrimination
What are the challenges an HIV positive student is facing at school? What other forms of prejudice and associated intolerance a student may be encountering?
What are the challenges an HIV positive student is facing at school? What other forms of prejudice and associated intolerance a student may be encountering?
La presente publicación contiene antecedentes sociodemográficos y socioeconómicos generales, diferenciados entre poblaciones indígenas y no indígenas de 14 países de América Latina.
The introduction of LGBT issues in schools is not the most obvious theme for schools. In most schools, sexuality in general and LGBT issues specifically are taboo and in many cases even forbidden.
NBA players Grant Hill and Jared Dudley shot a PSA for GLSEN and the Ad Council's Think Before You Speak campaign on April 12, 2011. The PSA is the first phase of a partnership between GLSEN, the NBA and the Ad Council to address anti-LGBT language among teens.
Contemporary American colleges are increasingly queer places, where significant steps toward inclusion of BGLT students have been made.
Ce rapport constitue l'un des volets de la recherche sur l'impact de l'homophobie et de la violence homophobe sur la persévérance et la réussite scolaires dont les objectifs étaient de : 1) dresser un portrait du climat relativement à l'homophobie dans les établissements scola
Vídeo para discutir nas escolas o tema Homofobia.
This report discusses the results of a national survey of Canadian high school students undertaken in order to investigate what life at school is like for students with sexual or gender minority status.
Plusieurs enquêtes récentes, principalement états-uniennes, et depuis peu canadiennes, ont sondé la prévalence de l'homophobie - qu'elle soit d'ordre physique, verbal ou autre - dans les écoles ainsi que ses conséquences néfastes sur les jeunes qui en sont victimes.En documentant d
El Movimiento de Integración y Liberación Homosexual (Movilh) lanzó públicamente el primer material del país para combatir el bullying (acoso escolar) basado en la orientación sexual e identidad de género. El trabajo audiovisual ya comenzó a ser distribuido en liceos y escuelas.