Education Sector HIV and AIDS Global Progress Survey: Peru Summary Report
Peru Country Report for the 2011-2012 Education Sector HIV and AIDS Global Progress Survey.
Peru Country Report for the 2011-2012 Education Sector HIV and AIDS Global Progress Survey.
Tunisia Country Report for the 2011-2012 Education Sector HIV and AIDS Global Progress Survey.
The Joint Action for Results: UNAIDS Outcome Framework, 2009-2011 represents a new and more focused commitment to the HIV response and serves as a platform to move towards UNAIDS' vision of zero new HIV-infections, zero discrimination, and zero AIDS-related deaths.
The overall objective of this study was to explore the potential intersections between two forms of violence against women (VAW) - partner violence and non-partner violence - among users of VAW and HIV services and to document their experiences, knowledge and perceptions on HIV and violence.
In this report, we present a Gender-Based Analysis (GBA) of HIV/AIDS in Belize. Added analysis of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and gender-based violence (GBV) is provided, as they affect biological risks and social vulnerabilities and help inform the GBA of HIV/AIDS.
Civil society plays an important health governance role by influencing international sexual, reproductive health and HIV agendas as expressed in international conferences; monitoring and evaluating implementation; and holding governments accountable for their commitments.
El Mejunje es, ante todo, un Proyecto de Desarrollo Cultural Comunitario con una profunda vocación humanista, donde cualquier capa, grupo, sector social o persona, se puede sentir identificado, acogido y respetado: obreros, intelectuales, jóvenes, niños y adultos mayores, heterosexuales, homosexu
Relevamiento de espacios de socialización de las personas gays, trans y bisexuales (GTB) en ciudades argentinas.
The toolkit aims to assist education sector staff, networks of people living with HIV, and others to apply the principles for the greater involvement of people living with or affected by HIV and AIDS (GIPA) in a comprehensive approach for the education sector's response to HIV and AIDS.