SABER alimentation scolaire rapport pays : Tunisie 2015
Ce rapport présente une évaluation des politiques d'alimentation scolaire et des institutions qui affectent les jeunes enfants en Tunisie.
Ce rapport présente une évaluation des politiques d'alimentation scolaire et des institutions qui affectent les jeunes enfants en Tunisie.
Africa’s young people aged 15–24 are disproportionately affected by HIV and AIDS. The impact of the epidemic on young people calls for close attention to the youth dimensions of the epidemic.
Ce guide permettra à ses utilisateurs de connaitre: -Qu’est ce que le SIDA? -Les modes transmission du VIH/SIDA; -Les moyens de prévention contre le VIH/SIDA; -Le rôle et les bienfaits du dépistage; -Les traitements existants pour le SIDA; et -Les statistiques.
Violence against women and girls is an unacceptable violation of basic human rights. It also is so widespread that ending it must be a global public health priority. An estimated one in three women is beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused by an intimate partner during her lifetime.
Cette rencontre « Promouvoir l’éducation pour la santé, la santé sexuelle et reproductive et la prévention du VIH et des conduites addictives auprès des jeunes au Maghreb : Enjeux et perspectives » a réuni les partenaires concernés, ministères, associations, jeunes et experts afin de proposer une
WASH in Schools (WinS) fosters social inclusion and individual self-respect. By offering an alternative to the stigma and marginalization associated with hygiene issues, it empowers all students – and especially encourages girls and female teachers.
Schools are an important social setting that can be used to improve community health in general and the health of schoolchildren in particular. The Health-Promoting Schools
This report is a call to decision makers, parents, communities and to the world to end child marriage. It documents the current scope, prevalence and inequities associated with child marriage.
A large proportion of young people worldwide are sexually active, and this exposes them to the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV, and to the risk of unintended pregnancies.
Nearly half of the world's population, some 3 billion people, is under the age of 25.