Working towards better youth sex education in Europe
This article describes Germany's approach to youth sex education.
This article describes Germany's approach to youth sex education.
2006, Stonewall asked young people from Great Britain who are lesbian, gay, bisexual (or think they might be) to complete a survey about their experiences at school. The survey received 1145 responses from young people at secondary school.
La homofobia y el sexismo están sirviendo de doble forma para acosar e intimidar a los chicos y chicas más vulnerables: por una parte, se persiguen todas las rupturas de género y sexualidad de todos, independientemente de su orientación sexual y género.
This e-book builds on the discussions from five online conferences that brought together experts, professionals and others interested in the topic of school bullying and violence from throughout the world.
This guidance provides quick and ready access to information that will help further education settings establish on-site sexual health services designed to give young people the advice and support they need to achieve healthy lifestyles and avoid health outcomes that impact negatively on their le
This report looks at data from a multistage probability sample of 1,093 Croatian youth aged 18-24 years in 2005.
The study examined the implementation of Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) in Irish postprimary schools. This research is the most comprehensive study of relationships and sexuality education conducted in Ireland to date.
SRE in schools is and has been of concern to young people to UKYP's knowledge, for at least seven years.
This companion publication summarizes the guidelines and recommendations contained in the main Policy Guide "Guide for Developing Policies on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Young People in Europe".
À partir du constat des bénéfices associés à la thérapie antirétrovirale - amélioration des conditions de vie de personnes séropositives, augmentation de leur espérance de vie, etc.