Advocacy and IEC programmes and strategies
This booklet describes the fourteen countries' responses to address the problems faced by adolescents by showing the various programmes and activities that the countries are carrying out.
This booklet describes the fourteen countries' responses to address the problems faced by adolescents by showing the various programmes and activities that the countries are carrying out.
This booklet describes the adolescent population of fourteen countries in terms of their demographic profile such as their poulation size, age of marriage, educational attainment, employment, and health, among others.
This booklet describes the adolescent population of the seven countries in terms of their demographic profile such as their population size, age of marriage, educational attainment, employment, and health, among others.
This document reaffirms the goal of education for all as laid out by the World Conference on Education for All (Jomtien, Thailand, 1990) and other international conferences.
This publication describes the different strategies implemented to improve health through schools.
he booklet presents the experiences of Bangladesh in planning and implementing the advocacy and IEC strategies for promoting adolescent reproductive and sexual health programmes.
The paper presents a brief review report of existing information on health needs of adolescents in Bangladesh.
Based on the experiences elaborated in Booklet Two, this booklet draws the implications from them in terms of the lessons that have been learned, highlighting the factors which helped and hindered their successful implementation.
This booklet describes the seven countries' responses to address the problems faced by adolescents by showing the various programmes and activities that the countries are carrying out.
The Intercountry Consultation on Development of Strategies for Adolescent Health for South-East Asia Region of WHO was held from 26-29 May 1998 in New Delhi, India.