VIH y Sida...: Hablemos de eso
Folleto educativo de prevención del VIH dirigido a público general, publicado en la prensa peruana por el Ministerio de Salud y CONAMUSA.
Folleto educativo de prevención del VIH dirigido a público general, publicado en la prensa peruana por el Ministerio de Salud y CONAMUSA.
People living with HIV are entitled to the same human rights as everyone else, including the right to access appropriate services, gender equality, self-determination and participation in decisions affecting their quality of life, and freedom from discrimination.
Because Pakistan is in a concentrated epidemic driven by injecting drug users and male and hijra (transgender) sex workers, a campaign was launched. In addition, Pakistan has one of the largest cohorts of young people in the world - 60% of the nearly 160,000,000 are under the age of 24 years.
More than 7,200 Romanian children and youth age fifteen to nineteen are living with HIV—the largest such group in any European country.
Ce livret pédagogique est destiné à des jeunes de 11 à 16 ans, mais il peut être adapté pour des plus jeunes ou pour des adultes.
Las Hojas Informativas son resúmenes informativos con referencias sobre temas específicos de importancia para la prevención del VIH.
Africa's Orphaned and Vulnerable Generations: Children affected by AIDS shows how the AIDS epidemic continues to affect children disproportionately and in many harmful ways, making them more vulnerable than other children, leaving many of them orphaned and threatening their survival.
Countries around the world have achieved huge gains in primary education, reaching a world average of 83.8 percent in net primary enrollment. However, large numbers of students still do not complete primary education, and even fewer continue on to secondary school.
Guía para personas que viven con VIH y su entorno cercano. Incluye variados aspectos desde el aceptar un resultado positivo, como informarle a familiares y amigos, qué significa vivir con VIH, los medicamentos y dieta a seguir, la afectividad, salud reproductiva, derechos y datos útiles.
South African teachers treatment advocacy.