Politica e estrategia de saude sexual reprodutiva de adolescentes
Este documento apresenta a política e estratégia de saúde reprodutiva de adolescentes e Jovens.
Este documento apresenta a política e estratégia de saúde reprodutiva de adolescentes e Jovens.
In June 1999 the SADC Human Resources Development (HRD) Ministers directed the Sector to initiate the development of a regional strategy to complement member States efforts in the fight against the scourge within the education and training sector.
Human Immune-deficiency Virus (HIV) started to spread in Zimbabwe in the early 1980s with the first case of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) identified in 1985.
Uganda AIDS Commission and the Youth Communication Program: In response to the Presidential initiative which seeks to improve the HIV/AIDS communication support to youth in the country, UAC will spearhead a comprehensive communication program for young people in Uganda, starting with primary scho
L'ecole contribue de manière spécfique à l'éducation à la santé et à la sexualité des jeunes, Des instructions officielles en ont défini les orientations.
This report is of a study conducted by Displaced Children Orphans Fund (DCOF), in Malawi and Zimbabwe. The team that conducted this research aimed to find out what could be learned from the project experiences and approaches in these countries that would inform scaling up efforts.
This document provides a strategic framework to assist national and local planners, implementers, and donors in setting priorities, and outlines the steps necessary to develop responsive care and support programs for orphans, children affected by AIDS and other vulnerable children.
This discussion paper is a collection of discussion on the PSS programme and how it can be effectively achieved. The discussion are also aimed at identifying the areas which are in need of particular attention with regards to life skills education.
This article discusses the impact of HIV/AIDS on education in South Africa. South Africa has the fastest growing HIV/AIDS epidemic in the world. In 2001 over 4 million people were already HIV positive, 56% of them women.
As the number of HIV/AIDS orphans continues to grow, programs are being established to ensure proper health and schooling for these children.