HIV/AIDS risk in the Philippines : focus on adolescents and young adults
This paper focuses on HIV/AIDS risk in the Philippines, especially adolescents and young adults.
This paper focuses on HIV/AIDS risk in the Philippines, especially adolescents and young adults.
The multitude of ethnic communities in Canada means different approaches and methods must be used for health education.
HIV counseling is an important component of HIV/AIDS prevention. Evaluations from Uganda and Rwanda demonstrated this.
This randomized controlled community trial aimed to see whether an education program could reduce children's risk of contracting HIV and improve their tolerance of people living with HIV and AIDS.
The Study Group reviewed the scientific evidence regarding the effectiveness of key interventions for adolescent health; highlighted the essential factors and strategies needed to establish, implement and sustain programmes for adolescent health; developed a common framework for country programmi
This paper documents how young men and women in Cameroon vary in the way they conduct their sexual lives as well as in the reproductive health risks they take. Consideration is given to gender differentials in patterns of sexual initiation, number of regular and casual partners, and condom use.
This is a document which gives guidance to a facilitator on AIDS prevention education.
The spread of HIV infection can be rapid in specific contexts such as poverty and social instability, war and civil strife.
The book is a reflection of the current state of HIV/AIDS education in the world.
These guidelines present a comprehensive approach to sexuality education, encompassing the key components of a broad definition of sexuality including: sexual development, reproductive health, interpersonal relationships, affection, intimacy, body image and gender roles.