Workshop on "Education Sector Response to HIV, Drugs and Sexuality in Indonesia"
This document contains the presentations from the Workshop on "Education Sector Response to HIV, Drugs and Sexuality, Jakarta, Indonesia, 3-4 December 2009.
This document contains the presentations from the Workshop on "Education Sector Response to HIV, Drugs and Sexuality, Jakarta, Indonesia, 3-4 December 2009.
This document includes highlights of the work during 2009 of WHO's Department of Child and Adolescent Health and Development (CAH).
The vision of the iThemba Lethu (isiZulu for "I have a destiny") HIV prevention programme is "to restore the destiny to children whose future is at risk of being negatively impacted by HIV/AIDS". Their goal is to reduce youth risk taking behaviour.
While Tanzania is taking measures to curb the HIV and AIDS pandemic - including limiting its transmission and minimizing its impact, addressing such transmission among mobile populations such as students and staff of Higher Learning Institutions remains a challenge.
This report provides a systematic account of a three-year programme dubbed Teachers - Agents of Dissemination and Change (TAD), which was designed to provide all public school teachers at the Pre-Tertiary level with information to enable them protect themselves and their students from being infec
Under the banner of South-South cooperation and in line with UNESCO's EDUCAIDS Framework, UNESCO Regional Bureau for Education in Africa (BREDA) and UNESCO Brasilia have been working together to provide technical support to the five Portuguese-speaking countries (PALOP) for the development o
In recognition of the devastating impact of HIV and AIDS on its constituents: teachers, nonteaching staff and learners and the role education could play as an effective tool in the prevention of and mitigation of HIV and AIDS on the infected and affected, the Ministry of Education established the
In 2008, UNESCO commissioned an independent evaluation of the implementation of EDUCAIDS, the UNAIDS Global Initiative on Education and HIV & AIDS (led by UNESCO) that seeks to prevent the spread of HIV through education and to protect the core functions of the education system from the worst
The Centre for the Study of AIDS (CSA), University of Pretoria, in collaboration with the Health and Wellness Centre and the University of Botswana, hosted the fifth Imagined Futures conference on 28 and 29 September 2010 at Willowpark Conference Centre in Gauteng, South Africa.This year’s theme