Catch 'em young: a best practice case study on school based AIDS preventive education programmes in Maharashtra, India
The State of Maharashtra has initiated AIDS education in public and private schools through three pilot projects.
The State of Maharashtra has initiated AIDS education in public and private schools through three pilot projects.
This is a report of a workshop for Grassroots Women's Organisation in Africa and was organised in Abidjan from 7-11 September 1998 by UNESCO in co-operation with UNAIDS Regional HIV Development Project.
This regional workshop, "Prevention of HIV/AIDS and Drug Abuse through Quality Improvement of Curriculum and Teaching/Learning Materials in Asia and the Pacific was organized from 25-29 August, 1997, by the National Commission of the People's Republic of China for UNESCO in Beijing.
This is a report of the education programme on Life Skills and HIV/AIDS which informs students and teachers about HIV and also focuses on skills development, attitudes and motivational support.
Ce document du séminaire régional sur l'éducation et le SIDA dans le système scolaire est un instrument de diffusion de la Déclaration de Dakar et des grandes lignes des plans d'actions nationaux.
Ce document est le rapport final du séminaire régional sur l'éducation et le SIDA dans le système scolaire tenu à Dakar, Sénégal en 1997 et dont le but était de contribuer à la réduction du VIH/SIDA parmi la population jeune de la sous-région.
This position paper addresses the integration of HIV/STD-related programmes into the school system, whether through education about reproductive health, life skills or other important health issues.
The document is an evaluation of the national programme for secondary education "SIDA Saber Ayuda" from Spain.
The consultation was organized to explore the specific needs of ethnic minority communities in European countries for culturally and linguistically appropriate HIV/AIDS and sexual health services.
The contents of this book are drawn from contributions to the Global Conference on School Health and HIV/AIDS Prevention.