"Sara" is a very popular children's educational comic strip. Sara, the charismatic heroine of the series is an adolescent girl living in urban Africa.
"Sara" is a very popular children's educational comic strip. Sara, the charismatic heroine of the series is an adolescent girl living in urban Africa.
This is a skills-based peer education programme addressing HIV prevention and risk behaviour reduction.
Este documento es una cartilla educativa que hace una recapitulación de las preguntas más habituales de los padres y docentes en los talleres de concientización y capacitación que realizó la Fundación para Estudio e Investigación de la Mujer en los últimos 15 años en escuelas, centros comunitario
Choices is written for young people between the ages of 10 and 24 years; for peer educators and youth leaders; for teachers, health care workers and parents and anyone who is helping young people to grow up as fulfilled and responsible human beings with a sexual and social life.
This document is one of the 'information books for Africa' in the HIV and AIDS series, developed by the Junior Africa Writers (JAWS).
The resource materials presented here are based on the Interim Curriculum and Guidelines for Relationships and Sexuality Education prepared by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment and approved by the Department of Education and Science.
The resource materials presented here are based on the Interim Curriculum and Guidelines for Relationships and Sexuality Education prepared by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment and approved by the Department of Education and Science.
This publication is part of the Teenage Health Teaching Modules, a comprehensive health education curriculum for middle and high school students.
This publication is part of the Teenage Health Teaching Modules, a comprehensive health education curriculum for middle and high school students.
These guidelines were developed by a task force of experts and have been thoroughly reviewed by professionals. The vision of sexuality advocated is a "natural and healthy part of living that begins at birth and continues throughout life".