Watch out! Diseases in the world around us
This document is one of the 'information books for Africa' in the HIV and AIDS series, developed by the Junior Africa Writers (JAWS).
This document is one of the 'information books for Africa' in the HIV and AIDS series, developed by the Junior Africa Writers (JAWS).
O manual é constituído por 3 unidades: Sexualidade, Prevenção às DST/Aids e Prevenção ao Uso Indevido de Drogas. Em cada unidade, são apresentadas dinâmicas de trabalho de grupo, que utilizam como metodologia a educação por meio de trocas de experiências, vivências, conhecimentos e atitudes.
This handbook was developed to accompany the Life Skills Training Manuals used in Uganda.
This document is one of the materials developed during the course of the "Kafue Adolescent Reproductive Health Project" (KARHP) in Zambia. It is designed to train and guide parents and older educators in leading community-based education sessions with community members.
Ce livre pour enfants (de huit à treize ans) parle de façon amusante et imagée d'un problème sérieux. Le sujet traité est celui du SIDA et des comportements imprudents et dangereux qui risquent d'entraîner cette maladie mortelle.
This is a document which gives guidance to a facilitator on AIDS prevention education.
This is part of an AIDS action programme for secondary schools in Zimbabwe that encourages honest and open communication about all major issues related to HIV/AIDS facing young people as they grow up.
This document is part of an AIDS action programme for schools in Zimbabwe. The main focus of this book is on behaviour and behavioural change.
This is a handbook developed for teachers in Swaziland and it covers sexuality Education, HIV/AIDS Education and teaching and pre-school, lower primary, upper primary, junior secondary and senior secondary education leves.
This HIV/AIDS resource pack consists of basic information about HIV and AIDS, followed by eight activities for use in the classroom. The pack was produced for teachers as part of a training course to become AIDS awareness educators in their schools.