Review of sex, relationships and HIV education in schools
In 2007, UNESCO commissioned this desk-based review of the global state of sex and HIV education in the formal education sector in order to inform its possible future work in this area.
In 2007, UNESCO commissioned this desk-based review of the global state of sex and HIV education in the formal education sector in order to inform its possible future work in this area.
This booklet aims to contribute to improved understanding of partnerships, including what they can achieve as well as challenges to effective partnerships.
This booklet introduces the concepts of quality education and effective learning; provides an overview of the impact of HIV and AIDS on quality education and effective learning; summarises the factors that contribute to effective learning in the context of HIV and AIDS education and highlights ke
The EDUCAIDS Overviews of Practical Resources provide guidance on the technical and operational aspects of this response.
Increasing women's access to income and productive resources is one of the five priority gender strategies of the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (Emergency Plan) (PL 108-25).
Número dedicado a niños y niñas con VIH/SIDA en América Latina y el Caribe. Descripción general de la situación de este grupo en la región, testimonios, estudio sobre mujeres embarazadas y transmisión vertical. Incluye a modo de ejemplo el caso de la respuesta al sida en la Amazonía peruana.
This report was commissioned by the Inter-Agency Task Team (IATT) on Children affected by HIV and AIDS' working group on National Plans of Action (NPAs).
Este libro busca relevar la importancia que han adquirido en el transcurso de una década los estudios sobre sexualidad y derechos sexuales en Chile.
This research suggests that stigma and discrimination can exacerbate the material and psychological problems children already face in context of the HIV/AIDS pandemic.
The terms of reference (TOR) calling for the development of a relief teacher strategy to mitigate the impact of HIV and AIDS in the education sector indicate that “Namibia’s teachers are at a relatively high risk of HIV infection.