Annotated bibliography of young people’s sexual and reproductive health
The bibliography includes literature on young people's sexual and reproductive health for investigators undertaking research in less developed countries.
The bibliography includes literature on young people's sexual and reproductive health for investigators undertaking research in less developed countries.
This bibliography focuses on parent-child communication about sexuality issues for Asian/Pacific Islander, Latino, and Native American families. The bibliography includes curricula, pamphlets, booklets, research, videos, and music.
There have been numerous programmes internationally and continentally that involve the careful and sometimes not too careful inculcation of HIV/AIDS awareness into curricula.
La présente étude intitulée a pour objet de faire la lumière sur l'impact que l'éducation VIH/SIDA a sur l'enseignement en matière de demande, d'offre, de clientèle, de contenu, de processus de l'éducation, d'organisation et de gestion de l'éducation.
This review was commissioned by the Center for Communications Programs at Johns Hopkins University to provide insight into issues related to communication of HIV/AIDS to children in the 3-12 year age group, with an emphasis on South Africa.
In the decade ahead, HIV/AIDS is expected to kill ten times more people than conflict. In conflict situations, children and young people are most at risk from both HIV/AIDS infection and violence.
Research was reviewed related to the negative results of homophobia on gays, lesbians and bisexuals (GLB), and the economic impact of such negative effects.
This analysis has been carried out in preparation for a conference of the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA).
The document presents a review of existing and available literature on adoelscent boys and their health development and analysis of this research for programme and policy implications. The document also describes what is special about adolescent boys and their developmental and health needs.