National Reproductive Health Policy 2007-2014
This Policy will focus on six priority components to include current developments in the area of reproductive morbidity. These foci are priori ties areas for The Gambia and
This Policy will focus on six priority components to include current developments in the area of reproductive morbidity. These foci are priori ties areas for The Gambia and
Le Tchad comme d'autres pays africains ont tardé à comprendre que l'épidémie du VIH/SIDA n'était pas qu'un problème de santé, mais qu'elle avait également des conséquences dans les domaines de l'éducation et du développement.
Few UNAIDS co-sponsors are assisting countries in developing education sector strategic plans.
Scotland-wide indicators published by NHS Quality Improvement Scotland show that teenagers in the most deprived areas are three times more likely to become pregnant than their counterparts in the most affluent parts of the country.
Dans le cadre du processus actuel d'élaboration du plan multisectoriel et la nécessité d'intégrer les activités de lutte contre le VIH/SIDA dans les services et programmes des secteurs non-santé, l'éducation nationale à l'instar des autres secteurs, a adopté la méthodologie du processus de planif
This is a project document submmited to the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education in Zimbabwe where UNESCO proposes to support the strengthening of the HIV/AIDS and Life Skills Programme in teacher training colleges.
These service standards and guidelines are intended to assist programme managers and providers to expand and improve the quality of services everywhere in the country. Health administrators as well as all providers – i.e.