National safe school policy (NSSP) 2024-2029
This National Safe Schools policy sets out how the Government, schools and community can work together to ensure the protection of children and students from harm or risk of harm caused by others.
This National Safe Schools policy sets out how the Government, schools and community can work together to ensure the protection of children and students from harm or risk of harm caused by others.
On 23 February 2024 Education and Higher Education Ministers agreed to and released the Action Plan Addressing Gender-based Violence in Higher Education. This Action Plan aims to create higher education communities free from gender-based violence.
El presente documento tiene como objetivo delinear el camino para escalar la iniciativa de prevención de la Violencia Basada en Género (VBG) en escuelas rurales de Haití, Honduras y Nicaragua y, más específicamente, la innovación central de la misma: el diseño, aplicación y validación de la Inves
This framework provides support to those working with and in schools to develop and strengthen universal and targeted approaches to gender-based violence.
The National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children 2022–2032 lays out the shared vision of Australian governments to end gender-based violence in one generation.
Discrimination and violence against LGBTIQ+ young people have direct and long-term effects on their health and well-being, with high levels of harassment, marginalisation, violence and, consequently, a higher likelihood of school absenteeism and suicidal thoughts.
Un protocolo es un instrumento de actuación que define los pasos a seguir en una determinada situación, con base en normas establecidas que permite a las personas saber qué deben hacer al estar involucradas en la misma.
Este documento tiene como propósito presentar una agenda básica para fomentar el diálogo y la promoción de acuerdos en torno a la formulación de políticas públicas sectoriales y/o especializadas.
Depuis 2017, la lutte contre le harcèlement à l’École a été constamment renforcée pour faire face à la multiplication des situations de harcèlement.
Cineáltas: Action Plan on Bullying is Ireland’s whole education approach to preventing and addressing bullying in schools.