Prevention of HIV/AIDS through promotion of reproductive health in Myanmar
The paper gives an account on the activities of UNICEF Myanmar supported "HIV/AIDS Prevention through the Promotion of Reproductive Health Project".
The paper gives an account on the activities of UNICEF Myanmar supported "HIV/AIDS Prevention through the Promotion of Reproductive Health Project".
Thailand's country report on the Impact of HIV/AIDS on education presents some of the Thai experiences in HIV and AIDS prevention and control, the role of education in HIV and AIDS prevention and control and the impacts of HIV and AIDS on basic education.
The authors explore the probability of acquiring HIV/AIDS for learners enrolled in SA government schools in the Eastern Cape. Ante Natal Clinic published data and a 10 percent sample of the census of 1996 are used to calibrate the probabilities of becoming infected.
The objectives of this reproductive health policy are: 1. To enhance reproductive health information and service provision so that all individuals and couples will be able to achieve their reproductive intentions while upholding their reproductive rights; 2.
Este documento es un manual dirigido a jóvenes que viven en comunidades rurales mestizas (donde la lengua materna es el español) de México, para que los educadores y el personal de salud puedan promover una cultura preventiva que contribuya al ejercicio de los derechos sexuales y reproductivos.
This document outlines a regional programme of action for mitigating HIV/AIDS in the education and training sector as developed by the Human Resources Development Sector Task Force on HIV/AIDS.
The HIV/AIDS epidemic is directly affecting learners, teachers and administrators in Uganda. Document lists major objectives, outcomes expected and comprehensive strategies of the Ministry of Education and Sports to combat HIV/AIDS in the education sector.
Ce document de la série de l'OMS consacrée aux questions de santé scolaire a pour but d'aider à appliquer des stratégies de promotion sanitaire visant à relever les niveaux de santé, prévenir le VIH/SIDA et les MST et à lutter contre les discriminations qu'ils entraînent à travers des programmes
This resource offers guidance on adapting instruments for monitoring and evaluation, sample data collection instruments, and on collecting data through a variety of methods. This guide draws on the expertise and experience of professionals in a variety of disciplines.
Nous présentons ici nos résultats préliminaires concernant l’étude des pratiques d’enseignants de biologie du secondaire dans la prévention du SIDA.