
Policies & Strategies
Policies & Strategies | 2002

Sexual and reproductive health policy

Sexual and reproductive rights are a conerstone of development. The neglect of sexual and reproductive rights lies at the rest of many of the problems that the international community has identified as being in need of urgent actiuon.

Case Studies & Research
Case Studies & Research | 2010

A gender-based analysis of HIV/AIDS in Belize

In this report, we present a Gender-Based Analysis (GBA) of HIV/AIDS in Belize. Added analysis of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and gender-based violence (GBV) is provided, as they affect biological risks and social vulnerabilities and help inform the GBA of HIV/AIDS.

Case Studies & Research
Case Studies & Research | 2010

HIV and violence against women in Belize

The overall objective of this study was to explore the potential intersections between two forms of violence against women (VAW) - partner violence and non-partner violence - among users of VAW and HIV services and to document their experiences, knowledge and perceptions on HIV and violence.

Case Studies & Research
Case Studies & Research | 2009

Centroamérica 2009: Estudio MAP. Evaluación de cobertura, calidad de cobertura, penetración, calidad de penetración en zonas rojas, y acceso y equidad de acceso a poblaciones vulnerables

El estudio MAP permite a los Gerentes de programa de cada país y a los asesores técnicos, tener una panorámica general de la disponibilidad y accesibilidad de los productos distribuidos por PASMO, utilizando para ellos criterios previamente definidos en términos de cobertura, calidad de cobertura