Teacher Assessment

In order to assess a program’s effectiveness, reviews of curriculum content and a teacher’s strengths and weaknesses need to take place periodically. For this, there are several tools that can used or adapted:

  • IPPF’s Inside and Out provides a framework for assessing both the delivery and content of CSE.

  • The Future of Sex Education (FoSE) Initiative in the United States offers an educator Observation Form and Performance Assessment Tool to be used to assess an educator on their delivery of CSE content. This tool has seven standards for assessment as follows:

Teacher Assessment

(Source: Future of Sex Education (FoSE) Initiative – Teacher Performance Assessment Tools)

  • A companion document to the PLSSE (mentioned earlier), the Professional Learning Standards for Sex Education Assessment Tool, can be used by schools and communities to assess current teachers as well as identify appropriate CSE teacher candidates. It is designed to be a self-assessment by the individual teacher with school administration following up to see how they can support areas of growth. Below are portions of the assessment for the four domain areas:

1—Context of CSE

2—Professional Disposition

3—Best Practices

4—Key Content Areas

Teacher Assessment

Teacher Assessment

Teacher Assessment

Teacher Assessment

(Source: Sex Education Collaborative, 2018 – “Professional Learning Standards for Sex Education Assessment Tool”)