The Prevention and Treatment Access (PTA) program of the American Federation of Teachers Educational Foundation (AFT-EF) is a unique partnership designed to strengthen the capacity of the 230,000-member Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) to implement effective HIV/AIDS interventions for Kenyan teachers and other stakeholders in the education sector. The PTA partners work in close cooperation with the Kenya Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST), the Teacher Service Commission (TSC), the National AIDS Control Counsel (NACC) and USAID. The project was developed in response to the ever-growing HIV/AIDS pandemic and its impact on teachers. The project envisioned schools and teachers as valuable resources that, with minimal training and cost, could be mobilized in the national effort against HIV/AIDS. AFT and KNUT tested approaches to combat HIV/AIDS among teachers in 630 schools in the two year pilot phase of the project. The programme was funded by USAID.The overall project goal was to increase the capacity of the KNUT to combat the spread of HIV/AIDS and to mitigate the impact amongst educators and learners. In order to achieve this goal, the following objectives were designed to guide the prevention, care and treatment program activities: Reduce the vulnerability to HIV/AIDS through school-based peer education, counseling and referral; Improve access to counseling, testing and community support services for teachers and students living with and affected by HIV/AIDS; Increase the capacity of teachers and school managers to implement schoolworkplace policies and programmes to reduce stigma and improve the education environment for teachers and students living with HIV/AIDS; Improve conditions of service and health benefits for teachers living with HIV/AIDS.The objective of the end-of-project evaluation was to assess the progress made towards meeting the PTA objectives and to articulate the challenges, lessons learned, and recommendations that could inform future interventions.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación