The Arab States Workshop on Capacity-Building and Mobilisation of Resources for HIV and AIDS Programmes was held in Cairo, Egypt , 11-13 February 2008. The workshop was part of the OPEC Fund for International Development/UNESCO Programme on Mitigating the AIDS Crisis in Asia through Education. The Arab States Workshop on Capacity-Building and Mobilisation of Resources for HIV and AIDS Programmes provided participating professionals with tools and means for expanding HIV and AIDS programmes at both regional and national levels. The workshop focused on: Sharing of experiences and success stories on current programme activities and approaches; Aligning HIV and AIDS projects and programmes with national responses, UNESCO Strategies and the EDUCAIDS Framework for Action, UNGASS targets and other international frameworks; and Identifying desirable and feasible next steps to deepen UNESCO-supported strategic action on education and HIV and AIDS prevention in the region, including, where relevant, the development of resource mobilisation strategies.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación