Breaking Barriers (BB) Project in Kenya was implemented by four partners supported by Plan. The project focus is support, prevention, treatment and care; education, food and nutritional support, school materials and encouragement for orphans and vulnerable children to complete basic education and facilitate access to income generating opportunities. BB was based on the need to strengthen families economically and socially and to improve their access to services to enable them to continue; and to improve, their protection and support of children and youth under the devastating effects of the HIV and AIDS epidemic. During project implementation, families that neglect children were identified and social protection services provided to the children. In Kenya BB project reached 79,831 OVCs and 6,532 care givers were trained in all the areas where the four partners operate. BB was implemented in line with principles of the national plan of action on OVC programming in Kenya. The guidelines among other things seek to strengthen the protection and care of orphans and other vulnerable children within their immediate and extended families and communities. The project has further demonstrated that the family and community centred approach in caring for OVCs is the most beneficial for a child's development.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación