This brochure presents the approaches developed by three GTZ projects implemented in Frenchspeaking countries in Africa: Chad, Mali and Guinea. These projects are: “Basic Education Project” (Projet éducation de base – PEB) in Chad, a project aiming to improve primary education in general that includes a component focussing on the prevention of HIV and AIDS; HIV/AIDS prevention project in basic education programmes (Projet Lutte contre le VIH/SIDA dans les programmes de l’éducation de base – PLC-HIV/AIDS) in Mali, a project focussing on responding to AIDS in the education sector, and Basic Education Support Project (Projet d’appui à l’éducation de base en moyenne Guinée – PAPEBMGUI) in Central Guinea, like the one Chad a general education project with one component focussing on HIV and AIDS. These projects each cover several regions in their respective country of intervention (three in Chad and Guinea as well as one region and one district in Mali).The three projects are evolving in somewhat differing contexts, which all are marked by an alarming increase in HIV infections. In all of them, sexual relations are by far the primary way by which HIV is transmitted (more than 90% of all cases).

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación