This draft report looks at the effects of HIV/AIDS in tertiary institutions in Ghana. The study investigates the manner in which HIV/AIDS has affected personnel, operations and use of resources at selected tertiary institutions in Ghana; how institutions have responded and measures they were taking to control and limit further infection; the developments in teaching, research, publications and advisory services which institutions have initiated because of the infection, and the extent to which institutions propose to respond to the negative impact of HIV/AIDS. Findings from the study include that administrators recognised the vulnerablity of students to infection due to their numbers, residential situation and lifestyles and agreed that not much had been done to respond to the threat posed by HIV infection in their institutions. On personal risk, 53% of students interviewed perceived themselves to be at risk of contracting HIV/AIDS while 36% stated they were not at risk. The remaining 11%, were uncertain. Some recommendations are that every institution must develop an HIV/AIDS policy that is relevant to their specific conditions and have HIV/AIDS programmes which seek to control spread of the disease on the campuses.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación