As probably the most affected country in the world, Botswana has to develop strategic plans as well as interventions in each area of life to combat HIV/AIDS. HIV and AIDS have a significant impact on educational demand, supply and quality. More specifically, the HIV/AIDS pandemic is affecting the provision of education: teachers and students in general are in many ways living directly and indirectly with HIV and AIDS. Youth and younger adults are generally having the highest infection rate, and this is the same age category as the majority of those involved in technical and vocational education and training (TVET) as trainees, while many trainers fall in the category of younger adults (15-49). Trainers (teachers, lecturers, instructors) are crucial to the supply and quality of education and training. This paper describes the background, strategic context and possible and actual interventions with respect to HIV/AIDS and staff development in the TVET sector in Botswana. This is in the context of the long-term vision of Botswana to have an AIDS-free generation by the year 2016 and is seen as part of the effort to mainstream HIV/AIDS in the TVET sector.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación