The focus of Share-Net Burundi is best strategies to prevent and reduce adolescent pregnancy. In line with this focus, this paper explores the Programme Conjoint pour l´Amélioration de la Santé Sexuelle et Reproductive des Adolescents et Jeunes de 10-24 ans au Burundi, or the Joint Program to Enhance Sexual and Reproductive Health of Adolescents and Young People of 10-24 Years in Burundi and here forth referred to as the “Joint Program”, in the context of adolescent pregnancy in Burundi and interventions to prevent and reduce adolescent pregnancy in other low and low-middle income countries. Whilst adolescent pregnancy is not an outcome measure of the Joint Program, all seven outcome indicators used for the intervention are proximate factors to adolescent pregnancy and therefore they may influence it. The specific aim of this paper is therefore to evaluate how the Joint Program should or might have desirable effects on adolescent pregnancy in Burundi despite this not being a primary focus, and how these potential effects could be encouraged further should the intervention be repeated or a similar intervention be carried out in the future.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación