The Adolescent Reproductive Health and Development (ARHD) Policy is a foundation for initiatives in Kenya that integrate reproductive health and development concerns for adolescents and youth into the national development process, and enhance their participation in that process. Given the increase in the number of stakeholders and programs focused on ARHD in Kenya over the last decade, and with two years before the end of the ARHD Policy timeframe, stakeholders in Kenya recognized the need to assess implementation of the policy. Therefore, an assessment was conducted from November 2011 to September 2012. The assessment explored the nature of policy implementation since the ARHD Policy was developed in 2003; assessed implementation progress and achievements; identified social, political, and economic barriers for implementation; and promoted policy dialogue on ways to strengthen implementation. The findings of the assessment revealed that since 2003, Kenya’s ARHD Policy has led to many perceived improvements in the health and well-being of adolescents and youth. However, ARHD Policy implementation has also been limited because of a range of factors and challenges. Based on the findings, the assessment partners and stakeholders identified seven recommendations as next steps for policy action to strengthen implementation and ensure that the ARHD Policy is put into practice on a large scale.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación