The Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) has been implementing a successful programme - the EFAIDS, as a contribution to the achievement of the Education For All (EFA) in the era of HIV and AIDS pandemic. The programme is co-sponsored by Education International (EI). The manual is intended to equip the trainers with skills and knowledge to facilitate their ability to train their colleague teachers at the school level who will in turn reach out to the learners and the surrounding communities. Specifically the trainers will: 1. Acquire information about KNUT EI/EFAIDS; 2. Develop enhanced awareness on the Health issues in education; 3. Acquire appropriate information on stigma and positive living; 4. Appreciate the negative impact of culture in education; 5. Develop awareness on the existing policies in the education sector. 6. Appreciate the role of life skills, Living Values, Guidance and Counselling and Peer Education as intervention measures. 7. Acquire appropriate knowledge and skills on Research, Monitoring and Evaluation. 8. Appreciate the importance of networks and partnerships.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación