This documentation explores child- and HIV-sensitive social protection implemented under the umbrella of CARI in five of nine selected countries within the Eastern and Southern Africa region (ESAR): Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, Swaziland and Tanzania. During fieldwork for this study, assessments were undertaken by considering various programmes and policies and their performance individually, but also by looking at their linkages and complementarities to other programmes and service providers. The remainder of this report is structured as follows: First, we discuss the wider remit of social protection and pay particular attention to the current debate around child- and HIV-sensitive social protection, particularly in ESAR. Second, the methodology is outlined for the documentation at large, including the various methods employed, the selection of country case studies, and some of the challenges encountered. Next, a synthesis of the findings across the five country case studies is presented to explore overarching themes and lessons learned. Finally, we draw a number of conclusions on the basis of positive and promising developments, challenges ahead and also the potential for expansion of social protection schemes. All chapters will detail the overall strategy for social protection in-country, the types of existing policies or programmes that are child- and HIV-sensitive, external or other influential systems or donors involved, the research questions and methodologies applied, and general findings and observations.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación