This document is one of the "story books " in the HIV and AIDS series, developed by the Junior African Writers (JAWS). It is designed to provide information and raise key questions about the consequences of HIV and AIDS. The aim of the series is to empower young people, equipping them with the knowledge, attitudes, values and life skills they need to help them make positive choices and resist pressures. This booklet is intended for adolescents (14-18) and can be used as a reader to help teachers to introduce subject matter that is difficult to manage in classroom. The story conveys both the basic information about HIV and AIDS and the more psychosocial dimension of the pandemic affecting learners' lives (personal and social development).That story relates young adults' lives making sense of sex and sexuality, love, relationships, and death in the context of a world torn apart by HIV and AIDS. After his dad's death, Kudzwayi has no other choices but leave his hometown in Zimbabwe to go down south and earn money for his mother and his three sisters. He left behind him his studies and Thabang, his girlfriend. He must also give up his ambitious dreams for the future, be a writer. When he crosses the border with South Africa, Kudzwayi and his fellows are assaulted by the Guma Gumas. He cannot reach his final destination and eventually stays in Musina, washing taxis and pushing trolleys. Thabang, who realizes she wants to share her life with Kudzwayi, considers meeting him in Musinabut. But she'll prefer waiting for him at home. She has the dream to be a storyteller and she needs to stay at school to pursue her dream. Kudzwayi also found a way chasing his dream in a library in Musina where he can write and read. Both guided by love and dreams, they took some hard decisions in order to continue their lives. The section "Discussion" on page 58 provides a good basis for work group.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación