Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC), recently conducted a desk review, commissioned by UNESCO Kingston Cluster Office for the Caribbean, to determine the core elements for developing the capacity of the education sector to perform M & E activities that will strengthen country level responses to HIV and AIDS within a coordinated regional approach. Following the desk review, a stakeholder's questionnaire was administered to key stakeholders in the ministries of education and health. The overall objectives of the survey questionnaire follow: To obtain information from key stakeholders and partners at regional and national levels of the ministries of education in the Caribbean to inform the identification of key indicators and other components for a generic HIV and AIDS Programme Monitoring and Evaluation (M & E) framework for ministries of education in the Caribbean, based on current programme priorities of and actions in the ministry of education's response to the HIV epidemic; and to inform the identification of capacities that exist and those that need to be developed in the ministry of education in order to utilize such a framework. The primary purpose of this report is to provide essential information that will help to shape the development of an M & E framework for a comprehensive HIV and AIDS response in the Caribbean education sector. The report will provide the basis for a broader discussion to conceptualize the framework.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación