This document describes the Zanzibar National Life Skills Education Framework (ZNLSEF) - a framework intended to provide guidance to different stakeholders and at different levels in Zanzibar on how to provide quality life skills education programs so as to attain positive behavioral changes among children and young people in Zanzibar for their own individual and societal benefits in relation to preventing HIV/AIDS infections, substance abuse, early pregnancies, gender based violence and lead more positive and productive lives. The framework is living document meaning that it is not time bound like other period planning documents. It can be changed from time to time to fit with prevailing contexts, but has been designed in a non-expiring format. The framework is divided into seven sections: Section A provides background to the life skills education approach. Section B provides an overview of life skills education. Section C describes life skills education in Zanzibar. Section D outlines key issues reflected in the framework. Section E presents the results framework (objectives, strategies risks and assumptions). Section F presents institutional coordination and collaboration. Section G provides the life skills education monitoring and evaluation framework in Zanzibar.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación