The integration of reproductive health (RH) and HIV and AIDS involves restructuring and reorienting health systems to ensure the delivery of HIV and AIDS services within the same sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services or delivery of SRH services within HIV and AIDS services, during the same hours. This strategy aims to provide a coherent framework to ensure improved coordination and collaboration among key agencies and organisations offering integrated RH and HIV and AIDS services. It identifies priority activities for major implementers of RH and HIV and AIDS programmes to provide sustainable integrated RH and HIV and AIDS services. This strategy elaborates on the relevant provisions in the 2007 Kenya Reproductive Health Policy, Kenya National AIDS Strategic Plan III, and National Health Sector Strategic Plan II.The goal of this strategy is to increase access to comprehensive, high-quality, effective, efficient, affordable, and sustainable RH and HIV and AIDS services. To achieve the desired goal and objectives, the following key strategies are envisaged: Strengthening systems to improve the performance and quality of service delivery, with a major focus on institutional capacity building at all levels of service delivery; Supporting evidence-based advocacy and policy dialogue among the stakeholders and the policy elite; Building a knowledge base through an effective monitoring and evaluation system and supporting research for continued learning; Sustaining resource mobilisation and accountability; Promoting, strengthening, and coordinating partnerships and collaboration with relevant stakeholders through continued information sharing among practitioners.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación