The mission of Nkumba University is to educate people who will serve the country in different capacities after they have completed their courses. Besides the students, the University has academic, administrative staff, support staff and workers. Most of the people constituting the University community fall in the age bracket of 15-29 years and older people up to the age of 45 years. This is the age group that is vulnerable to HIV/AIDS infection. They are the very people who are vital to Uganda's economic future. It is important that they are empowered with information to enable them fight the HIV/AIDS pandemic.They should also appreciate the significance of the University policy in addressing the HIV/AIDS problem. It is painful to observe that the HIV/AIDS scourge is continuing to rob Uganda of its vital human resource capital. HIV/AIDS is no longer a medical problem because it has wide implications for the individual, the family, the community, institutions and the country's socio-economic development.Despite the statistics showing the high toll of HIV/AIDS, institutions of higher education have remained silent about the pandemic. Nkumba University therefore, decided to challenge the challenger by developing its home-grown HIV/AIDSinstitutional policy. The policy will guide the University in deciding on the necessary interventions and strategies to fight against the HIV/AIDS pandemic.One of the objectives of the policy is to enhance Nkumba University's capacity to develop and communicate messages, information, knowledge and skills for scaling up the desired behaviour change. This is an enduring task that requires constant communication and dialogue. The policy therefore, rightly stresses that there will be an on-going crusade against HIV/AIDS and constant review of our strategies in order for us to remain focused and impactful.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación