This Policy and Strategy Framework is based on the “Policy Framework on HIV and AIDS for Higher Education in South Africa” that was adopted in November 2008. The provisions of the 2008 Policy Framework remain valid but have been reconfigured to align with the 2012-2016 National Strategic Plan for HIV, STIs and TB. The alignment of the Policy and Strategic Framework with the NSP is based on the integral relationship of higher education institutions to society and its imperatives. This contributes to a unified response to the pandemic and to the vision of the NSP to reverse the burden of disease from HIV, STIs and TB in South Africa. Based on capacity, the implementation of interventions in concert with the Policy and Strategic Framework by individual Higher Education Institutions is aimed at facilitating an improvement in the quality of life for HIV and AIDS affected, infected and vulnerable individuals and to reduce the social and economic impact of HIV and AIDS at an institutional, sector and national level. The Policy and Strategic Framework aims at facilitating a deeper, comprehensive, strategic and unified sector response to HIV and AIDS.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación