One of the priority objectives in IPPF’s current Strategic FrameworkC is to “enable young people to access comprehensive sexuality education and realize their sexual rights.” Member Associations (MAs) are committed to reaching all adolescents with rights-based and contextually-relevant CSE to realize their sexual rights. In line with the IPPF Humanitarian Strategy 2018–2022, we present promising practices to guide IPPF Member Associations and partners in the provision of CSE, specifically when operating in protracted humanitarian crisis environments and call the humanitarian community to action to recognize and adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH) needs and rights in emergency response programming. The brief is intended for agencies implementing programmes for adolescents, including youth organizations, local and international NGOs, and community-based organizations. The goal is to inform their strategy, programme design, programme implementation, and advocacy of ASRH and CSE in protracted humanitarian emergencies. It is also intended to serve as an advocacy tool for the wider humanitarian community to advocate, coordinate, and mobilize resources for ASRH in emergencies.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación