In 2005 EI sent a survey to all unions involved in the then 'HIV and AIDS Prevention through Schools Programme' to gather information on the positioning of HIV and AIDS within pre and in-service training. The following countries were included in the EI survey and feature in this report: 1. Kenya (KNUT/Kenya National Union of Teachers) 2. Uganda (UNATU/Uganda National Teachers' Union) 3. Tanzania (TTU/Tanzania Teachers' Union) 4. Malawi (TUM/Teachers' Union of Malawi) 5. Guinea (FSPE-SLECG/Federation of Professional Education Unions/Free Union of Teachers and Researchers) 6. Burkina Faso (SNEA-B/National Union of African Teachers in Burkina) 7. Cote d'Ivoire (IE-SCI/Education International Cote d'Ivoire Section) 8. Namibia (NANTU/Namibia National Teachers Union) The subsequent responses confirmed our concerns: very limited or no in-service training.Their submissions plus additional information including press articles and interviews are the core of this publication. This EI report has no scientific pretensions. However as it is based on data provided by those directly involved, we believe that its value is in offering realistic and uptodate insight into the situation on the ground in each of these countries. We sincerely hope that it will be of use to all those involved in the education sector response to the HIV/AIDS pandemic.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación