On January 11-12, 2006, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and Family Health International (FHI)/YouthNet sponsored an international consultation in Washington, DC, called "Taking Stock of Youth Reproductive Health and HIV Peer Education: Progress, Process, and Programming for the Future." An overarching theme of the consultation was that peer education as an approach to reach young people is here to stay, that large investments are currently being made in this approach, and that serious efforts should be made to maximize these investments. The consultation objectives were to: Provide an update on youth peer education experience; Better understand where and how youth peer education has been usedExamine the successes and failures of youth peer education objectively; Explore specific issues related to successful youth peer education efforts of the 2006 meeting.This report summarizes the major themes and findings that emerged from the 2006 consultation. It seeks to provide program managers and others working with youth programs with the current thinking on key issues that affect successful peer education programs. The report includes five chapters and two appendices. The first chapter is an overview of peer education, its theoretical framework, and its role as part of a comprehensive youth RH/HIV program. The second chapter presents new evidence of program effectiveness and identifies some strengths and challenges of peer education. The next two chapters explore major program issues, including quality, motivation and retention of peer educators, contextual influences, and scaling up. The final chapter offers a summary of discussions from the meeting about the way forward.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación