“Gender based violence is also happening in school, the very place where children are expected to be safe and protected. This violence can be in the form of verbal or sexual harassment, unwanted touching, bullying, corporal punishment, or assault,” Joanna Herat, Programme Specialist, Education Sector UNESCO.
An estimated 246 million girls and boys are harassed and abused in and around school every year. Girls are particularly vulnerable to school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV), which often stems from deeply rooted cultural beliefs and practices, power imbalances and gender norms.
UNESCO is advocating globally to put an end to this unacceptable violation of rights which also impacts negatively on teaching and learning in schools. With a number of partners including UN agencies, civil society, universities and teachers unions, UNESCO is working to provide guidance for ministries of education to stamp out gender-based violence in and around schools, and to offer curricula that promote tolerance, gender-equality and respect for all.