News | 20 Jun 2017
Health Literacy and Behavior Change among Adolescent Girls in Kibera

kibera girls

The UNESCO Regional Office for Eastern Africa is proud to present a documentary on Health Education for Behavior Change.

The Pilot project, implemented by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology - Kenya and UNESCO, with the support of the Government of Azerbaijan. Sexual health information changes people's behavior and choices.

The materials developed for the project included posters, stories, poems, drama scripts, leaflets, songs, role plays, scripts for radio and teachers' guides. The project addressed 8000 adolescent girls, trained 135 teachers on health and sexuality, in 21 schools- primary and secondary, formal and non-formal, in the informal settlement of Kibera, Kenya, and 25 staff members of the Ministry of Education, County Government, Ministry of Devolution and Planning (Directorate of Gender).


The Health Literacy for behaviour change project is a pilot project started by UNESCO in 2015. It seeks to promote health education of students between the ages of 16 to 19 in Kibera slum in Nairobi.

Related resources: Assessment report of health literacy and behavior change practices among adolescent girls in Kibera