
Toolkits & Guides
Toolkits & Guides | 2017

Deliver+enable toolkit: scaling-up comprehensive sexuality education (CSE)

Comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) has gained global recognition as a vital effort to empower adolescents and young people; enable them to improve and protect their health, well-being and dignity; and support them in developing critical thinking skills, citizenship, and equal, healthy and po

Toolkits & Guides
Toolkits & Guides | 2001

Action locale : créer des écoles-santé

L’action locale est le premier document de la série Informations sur la santé à l’école destiné directement au niveau local ; il s’agit d’un guide pratique destiné à être utilisé sur le terrain, c’est-à-dire là où le changement est le plus important.

Declarations | 2016

Statement for integration of health and education

Health and education are symbiotic. What affects one affects the other. The healthy child learns better just as the educated child leads a healthier life. Similarly, a healthier environment—physically as well as socially-emotionally—provides for more effective teaching and learning.