
Toolkits & Guides
Toolkits & Guides | 2008

EDUCAIDS: framework for action

Recognising the vital role of the education sector in national responses to HIV and AIDS, the UNAIDS Committee of Cosponsoring Organizations (CCO) launched EDUCAIDS, the Global Initiative on Education and HIV and AIDS, in March 2004.

Toolkits & Guides
Toolkits & Guides | 2008

EDUCAIDS: Technical briefs

The EDUCAIDS Technical Briefs are two-page summaries of key issues related to the five essential components of a comprehensive education sector response to HIV and AIDS: 1) quality education; 2) content, curriculum and learning materials; 3) educator training and support; 4) policy, management an

Case Studies & Research
Case Studies & Research | 2004

Juventudes e sexualidade

Youth and Sexuality” aims at understanding how students, parents and the technical and pedagogical staff of schools perceive the issues related to juvenile sexuality, such as the sexual initiation of young people, teenage pregnancy, contraceptives, abortion, violence, prejudices and discriminatio

Learning & Teaching Materials
Learning & Teaching Materials | 2003

MEMA kwa vijana program

This programme is included in the Source Book of HIV/AIDS Prevention Program that presents 13 cases studies of good and promising practices of HIV/AIDS prevention programs in Sub-Saharan Africa.