
Conference Reports
Conference Reports | 2003

HIV and AIDS in context: the needs of learners and educators

The following 'think piece' is a collection of observations selected principally from a very rapid September 2003 tour of Malawi, Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania and Uganda, recent fieldwork in Botswana, Rwanda and Zimbabwe, and UNESCO Nairobi cluster workshops on education and teachers hel

Policies & Strategies
Policies & Strategies | 1998

Ministry of Education Policy on HIV/AIDS Education

The HIV/AIDS Education Policy of the Ministry of Education was developed as part of the national response to the epidemic. The Ministry has a major responsibility to reduce the spread of HIV infection by addressing HIV/AIDS in its education programmes.

Learning & Teaching Materials
Learning & Teaching Materials |

Choose life: living with HIV and AIDS in our world

This document is included in the Policy Brief prepared for the UNAIDS Inter- Agency Task Team on education (to be published soon) that provides a "global snapshot" of HIV/AIDS related education material for developing countries.

Literature Reviews
Literature Reviews | 2003

Life skills education with a focus on HIV/AIDS

This document is a review of sixty life skills education (LSE) and HIV/AIDS materials used in life skills education of young adolescents in twelve countries in the ESAR region. It assesses the myths and biases young people may have internalized regarding HIV/AIDS.