
Case Studies & Research
Case Studies & Research | 2004

Acercándonos: El VIH/SIDA en América Latina y el Caribe

Historias de vida de personas que viven con VIH en distintos países de América Latina. Cada una de estas historias, además, ádesmiente mitos sobreálas personas que viven con VIH y la transmisión de este virus.

Programme Reports & Evaluations
Programme Reports & Evaluations | 2009

Scaling-up together we can: a proven peer education program and community mobilization strategy for youth HIV prevention, Guyana, Haiti and Tanzania. Annual report, October 1, 2008-September 30, 2009

The Scaling Up Together We Can program is a PEPFAR-funded and USAID-supported 6+ year, $10+ million effort to reach more than 1,060,000 youth ages 10 to 24 with curriculum-based and peer-to-peer outreach, and interpersonal community wide events in Guyana, Haiti, and Tanzania.

Case Studies & Research
Case Studies & Research | 2000

Condom social marketing : selected case studies

The document presents applications of different social marketing techniques drawn from on-going projects in developing countries in the field of reproductive health and prevention of HIV/AIDS and STDs.