UNESCO Nairobi Cluster Office Report of the Consultation on HIV/AIDS and Education. 4 to 6 March 2003, Kigali, RwandaThe purpose of the consultation was twofold: (1) to raise awareness and understanding on how HIV/AIDS affects education and how education affects HIV/AIDS; and (2) to identify the way forward with regard to a strategic response to HIV/AIDS in and through education. In considering issues and challenges facing Ministries of Education and, more broadly, education sectors the consultation deliberated on:How Ministries of Education should address the impact of HIV/AIDS on teachers, learners, and the educational system itself. Policy frameworks that are needed for Ministries of Education to guide strategic planning and implementation. How Ministries of Education can mount effective prevention and education to protect learners and educators from exposure to infection including applying the principles of school health and healthy learning environments.How Ministries of Education can ensure that learners affected by HIV/AIDS do not jeopardize their educational opportunities and what actions that are needed to ensure that these children are reached by basic education services of good quality.The need to review the role of Teacher Service Commissions (TSCs) in protecting teachers and other educational personnel from HIV-infection and how TSCs can contribute to care and support of teachers and other educational personnel infected with HIV.How the terms of service and employment of teachers may need to be revised to incorporate the effects of HIV/AIDS and how teacher replacement and recruitment schemes may need to be reformulated.The need for higher education establishments to develop institutional policies on HIV/AIDS and education.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation