This is a report on the Regional Training Workshop on "Preventive Education Against HIV/AIDS in the School Setting" held from 18 to 23 October 1999 in Quezon City, Philippines. Funding support was provided by the Government of Japan. The aim of the Workshop was to contribute to the professional development of teachers involved in preventive HIV/AIDS education in the Asia and the Pacific region.The process of the workshop was as significant as the outcomes. The participatory and anticipatory process of the Workshop created strong teamwork and encouraged motivation for further work. The outcomes include: the evaluation of the Training of Teachers (TOT) Manual to facilitate teacher training activities in preventive HIV/AIDS education; the formulation of Guidelines for National Follow-Up Training Activities; and the development of National HIV/AIDS Preventive Education Plans.Twenty participants from seven countries including China, India, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Sri Lanka, Thailand and the Philippines were present at the Workshop. Notably, the Workshop was designed to include a three- member delegation from each country composed of a health professional, a health educator/ teacher trainer, and a curriculum expert. The countries involved were the same countries which took part in the first two phases of the project: (1): the Country Studies, (2): the Regional Workshop held in Beijing, China, in August 1997. Three experts of different expertise/professional background served as resource persons: a health programme manager/ scientist; a medical doctor/epidemiologist, and 2 health educator/ teacher trainer/curriculum expert. The criteria put forward in choosing the participants and the resource persons were formulated with the end view of training teachers in preventive HIV/AIDS education which requires the input of experts functioning as a team.It is also worth noting, that the host organization of the Workshop, the College of Education, University of the Philippines, has a recognized expertise in promoting health education not only in the Philippines, but also at the regional and the international levels.
Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation