This Brief collates information on GEC project approaches to Girl’s Clubs and the lessons drawn from their implementation. It is intended to support governments, donors and implementing partners in their efforts to form and strengthen effective Girls’ Clubs and includes wide-ranging recommendations for design, facilitation and monitoring of progress. In weekly ‘safe spaces’, girls catch up in subject areas, learn about their sexual and reproductive health rights, form friendships and share experiences. GEC project evaluations show that Girls’ Clubs positively influence the following areas: 1. Self-confidence and self-efficacy; 2. Levels of knowledge around key issues affecting their education; 3. Aspirations and awareness of their rights; 4. Attitudes towards gender equality; 5. School retention and attendance; 6. Transition into successive grades or paid employment. Any substantive effort to enhance girls’ wellbeing, social networks and life skills, especially when designed and implemented well, can contribute to girls feeling safe and happy at school and form the foundation for girls’ focus, attendance and motivation for learning. That said, being a member of a Girls’ Club is not generally sufficient on its own to raise learning outcomes, although there is some evidence. Strong pedagogy, curricula and materials, amongst other factors, are also imperative for this. Additionally, projects that combined Girls’ Clubs with engagement sessions with parents and community members also saw an impact on social and gender norms in communities.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation