Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education HIV and AIDS work place policy
The aim of this policy is to guide and direct the process of dealing with HIV and AIDS issues in the workplace at all levels in the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education.
The aim of this policy is to guide and direct the process of dealing with HIV and AIDS issues in the workplace at all levels in the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education.
Health and Family Life Education, Infusion Guide, Grade 4, Draft for limited use (to accompany Curriculum Guide) is a document edited by the Ministry of Education of Guyana in collaboration with UNICEF in 2005.
Life Skills, Health & Family Life and Citizenship Education, Curriculum Guide for Grade 4, Draft is a guide edited by the Ministry of Education of Guyana in collaboration with UNICEF in 2003. It is a draft document to support the teaching and learning of this critical area of the curriculum.
"Life Skills, Health & Family Life and Citizenship Education, Curriculum Guide for Level 3, Draft" is a guide edited by the Ministry of Education of Guyana in collaboration with UNICEF in 2002.
Health and Family Life Education, Activity Guide, Grade One is a document edited by the Ministry of Education of Guyana. It is made to assist teachers as they start the process of delivering life skills based education.
El estudio MAP permite a los Gerentes de programa de cada país y a los asesores técnicos, tener una panorámica general de la disponibilidad y accesibilidad de los productos distribuidos por PASMO, utilizando para ellos criterios previamente definidos en términos de cobertura, calidad de cobertura
L'objectif général du PAN est d'améliorer la qualité de la réponse apportée aux besoins d'au moins 15% des OEV d'ici 2014.
With over 32,000 young adults enrolled by 2004, Botswana's tertiary education sector has a critical role to play in confronting the challenges of HIV and AIDS.
"Um dos maiores desafios que Moçambique enfrenta neste momento, é de pandemia do HIV e SIDA.
The issue of HIV and AIDS is a serious global issue that affects girls and boys, women and men, from all communities. Girls and women are particularly vulnerable to contracting HIV which can develop into AIDS.