On the 24th June 2019 the Minister of State for Higher Education, Mary Mitchell O’Connor convened a meeting in Dublin to review the issue of drug use in higher education. Views were sought from a range of academics, practitioners and experts in education, healthcare and law enforcement on the issue of drug use in Irish Higher Education. Following this meeting, the Minister initiated a number of activities to further understand and develop responses to the issues discussed. Amongst these was the establishment of an interagency Rapid Response Group (RRG) with the goal of drafting a multi-component Action-Plan, consistent with national strategy. This report is the outcome of the Group's deliberations and sets out the context to the problem of drug use facing students in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). The RRG looked at a number of examples of existing good practice in the sector but it is acknowledged the examples provided are by no means exhaustive. Drawing on these examples, the experience of the team assembled, and the learnings from both existing research the RRG developed sixteen suggested actions categorised under the headings Institutional Leadership, Student Engagement, Community Engagement and Service Provision.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación