MERUNDOI/HFLE Support Module 3, Episode 31-45 is a guide developed by the MERUNDOI Radio Serial in collaboration with the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, Global AIDS Program, Guyana in 2007. The module covers Episodes 31-45 of Merundoi. For each episode the script and a list of issues for discussion and CDs of the episodes are provided. Each list identifies the topics in the Health and Family Life Education (HFLE) curriculum by grade for Grade 7-9 that can be developed using the episode. The subject into which the topic can be integrated, is also suggested. Life skills that can be addressed using the episode are also identified. For each topic, at least one issue is identified. In this module, more attention is paid to developing refusal skills, assertiveness and negotiation skills .This activity workbook uses long-running serial dramas to show role models changing the behavior. The dramas have interrelated stories, each with key character(s) or role model(s) who are like people in the community. The characters face obstacles, overcome them and ultimately change their behavior with support from other characters. Because listeners/viewers/readers identify with the characters, the drama suggests reasons change and motivate change. The behavioral objectives being addressed by this guide are: delayed initiation/abstinence, monogamy/faithfulness, positive parent and child communication, alcohol reduction, correct and consistent condom use, adequate access to HIV and STI services, and reduction of stigma and discrimination. The multiplicity of social issues addresses by the radio series provides the opportunity to use this guide to teach life skills set out in the Ministry of Education's HFLE Curriculum. The goal of this activity workbook is to help to foster discussion about the particular scene/episode. The discussion will bring out the relevant life skills outlined in the HFLE curriculum.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación